them. Anybody who has happy customers is
likely to have a pretty good future.”
– Warren Buffett
Our aim is for businesses to recognize Echo Contact Center as a high quality and price-efficient alternative to their own in-house customer support department. We seek to achieve this with our consistently high standards and professional approach, having two main objectives:
1. A better service level than our client can feasibly achieve with its own resources.
This is achieved by carefully selecting our employees, frequent internal and external staff training, and monitoring and supervision of the work quality. Unlike the client’s employees, all our agents are focused solely on communicating with customers and are therefore able to provide them with the attention they expect. We also ensure the use of professional, dedicated equipment with surplus capacity and enabled redundancy.
2. Better cost-efficiency for our client in comparison with its own in-house solution.
The second objective is achieved by making our team of agents available to more clients at the same time. Therefore, the cost of premises, equipment, training and most importantly, the agent inactivity time, are all shared among multiple clients. Compared with the maintenance of its own contact center, each client can reduce costs by up to 80%, depending on the requirements.